Recent content by SailorGotchi


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  1. SailorGotchi

    Tamagotchi 5.5 in the washing machine....

    i think you should try cleaning the circuit board with isopropyl alcohol to remove the water, as well as making sure to properly put the screen connecting rubber pads back on and screw the tamagotchi down tightly (as it needs pressure for the contacts to connect the screen to the circuitboard)
  2. SailorGotchi

    tamagotchi keitai cellphone connection?

    heyy!! unfortunately i don’t have any more info about the cellphones and i haven’t really had the time to do more research :( but i hope that my posts will inspire others in the tamagotchi community to continue researching this game, as it seems that nobody outside of japan has rlly had the...
  3. SailorGotchi

    have u ever lost ur tamagotchi?

    I brought a Tama Friends (my first tama) to school and a boy in my class wanted to play with it so I let him have it for “5 minutes”. Apparently he started doing dumb things to it like throwing it in the air and it landed in the yard of some random person who lives next to our old school. That’s...
  4. SailorGotchi

    Number of Tamagotchis played simultaneously

    Back during quarantine in 2020, I used to run 5 Connection tamas at a time! 2 V4s, 2 V3s and a V5 I think. When we were allowed to go out in public again, I’d still run 5 but I’d pause them when I got out and sometimes carry 1 or 2 of them with me.
  5. SailorGotchi

    What are some weird or Embarrasing tamagotchi situations that made you say ¨Big Yikes¨

    Just so you know, if you still have the tama you can probably save it by washing it in isopropyl alcohol! Unlike something like a smartphone, there aren't as many components in a tama that can break from water damage, so this method might work :ichigotchi:
  6. SailorGotchi

    tamagotchi keitai cellphone connection?

    Thanks for this method! After using it, I got to this page with 3 URLs archived. Unfortunately though, all the links redirect to the same page:, which tells me in Japanese that I need to visit the site on a mobile phone. However, what I found out from this link was...
  7. SailorGotchi

    tamagotchi keitai cellphone connection?

    after some more searching, i've found more information, possibly enough to let us find the app file! :ichigotchi: starting with the boring things first, i translated this japanese article and the only new information was that this tamagotchi mobile game had 2 modes: a postal mail mode where the...
  8. SailorGotchi

    tamagotchi keitai cellphone connection?

    update: i've found a lot more information online by googling "tamagotchi connecting to cellphone" in japanese! firstly, this article, on the tamatalk domain itself: this basically confirms the information on the rest of the articles i've found today except for a slight inconsistency, which...
  9. SailorGotchi

    tamagotchi keitai cellphone connection?

    thank you so much for the information! don't worry, none of this is redundant: it's interesting to see manuals, guides and diagrams for old tamas :) this info is always valuable in a hobby that (often) deals with old toys: what you just included in your post can easily become lost media, and you...
  10. SailorGotchi

    tamagotchi keitai cellphone connection?

    me too! aside from the aesthetic, keitais also had more features than their western flip-phone counterparts... there was even a waterproof keitai with fingerprint reading back in the mid 2000s! :ichigotchi:
  11. SailorGotchi

    Need help to charge my smart safely

    hi there, charging it on a laptop should be fine, because most laptops only output 5v at 0.5A, which is around half of what most electronic devices charge at. if anything, charging it with a laptop will just be slower than with a power supply. also, as far as i know, the step-down voltage...
  12. SailorGotchi

    tamagotchi keitai cellphone connection?

    hi everyone, as we know, some tama collectors still run the keitai tamagotchi in 2022. however, what has interested me the most about it was the cellphone connection feature, which seems to be basically the only functionality of this tama that isn't used nowadays. if you didn't know, the keitai...