Recent content by seifer_t1t4n


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  1. S

    Named family please...!

    are there anybody who knows how to get a named family (smart, cheerful, or easy going)? i know that u have to marry 2 tama from a same type family, & in fact i already did it. but why i always get a blended family with three eggs. (that already happens in about 15 generation). are there any...
  2. S

    Tamagotchi V5 Guide.

    to get the main character for pure family (such as mametchi, memetchi, kuchipatchi, or violetchi). u must do the right training for them & increase your bonding as needed. to get mametchi => have a high bonding (80-100%), & always use the first training icon. to get violetchi =&gt...
  3. S

    Tamagotchi V5 Guide.

    For MOPiOU, i think you can have the pure family since your bonding % is perfect & u also got the 2 main character (which is mametchi & memetchi). if u marry u'r mametchi to chantochi then u will get the mame family, & if u marry u'r memetchi to mumutchi then u will get the meme...
  4. S

    Blended Family?

    it happen because you train your tamas in different ways. ex: if you have child that belongs to cheerful family, then u give them training for smart or easygoing family (first or third icon). they will become blended family bacause the training u gave can make them change into different...
  5. S

    what happend to my 2 gen baby?

    As far as i know baby always change to random toddler, & toddler almost always change to certain type of tama family. so if u don't get a certain type of toddler (mohitamatchi if i'm not wrong), then u can't always get the kuchi family... (in the matter of fact, that is a rare family you...
  6. S

    v5 mating question

    does anyone know what will happen if i marry two different type of family characters? example: my mametchi (smart-f)with memetchi (cheerful-F)? am i going to have the smart family or cheerful family parents? can i have a two different parents, for example papapatchi as father & mamametchi...
  7. S

    Animations and C button thing

    Does anyone knows that the random animation (not the C-button animation) ussually happen on quarter hour. for example= 10:15 , 13:30 , 17:45 , 19:00. the point is those animation will happen when the minutes number on your tamas clock is at 00, 15, 30, or 45 (the hours number can be anytime)...
  8. S

    KuroMametchi's Father?

    as far as i know kashiratchi is a parent (dad) of ninja family..!!! & neglect parent never change back to normal whatever you do, only their son & daughter can change back to normal. if your parents become neglect character, you can only change them to other neglect character. ex...
  9. S

    Ninja Family

    you can't just make the happy hearts empty & hope u'll get the ninjas. here's how i do it: (from the great 'binary' tips of course) 1. make the happy hearts empty, but don't let the hungry hearts empty too. 2. when the happy hearts already empty u'r tamas should make a sound because the...
  10. S

    Universal Characters

    is it realy true!!! I already let all my skill point in zero, but i still got the kuchi family. are the training bars have to be empty too? btw what universal do you get? teen or the adult...? :furawatchi:
  11. S

    universal tama on v4

    Thanx for all the advice, now I already have the universal teen tama (hawaikotchi). i try to neglect the happiness hearts several times & i also didn’t do the training / games (every skill point is below ten points), finally it works…!!! Hooorrraaayyy :lol: but one thing I want to know...
  12. S

    universal tama on v4

    i want to know how do i get the universal teen / adults on v4? are the rules still the same like in v5? i already tried to overfeed my tamas on v5, & it works cause my tamas became a large family (osumotchi). but on my v4 i already overfeed my toddler tama several times (until the weight...
  13. S

    v5 final stage of life

    can anyone tell me whatt will happen to the adults on v5 when we let them not marry??? are they going to become oldies, or die? how long can adults live??? :)
  14. S

    Tamagotchi V5

    on v5 i don't think so, cause if you just make the hungry hearts full it means that u give them enough food. but if you still feeding them until they refuse, it means that u overfeed them & that condition give them a chance to be fat. every food reject count as 1 miss, & if you do that...
  15. S

    Whats the bast way to get training bars?

    i think the only way to fill the training bars on v4 is give u'r tama a lot of attention when they still in the toddler & teen. (like giving them praise when they sad, or use time out when they call u for nothing / not hungry). i ussually take 1-2 days to make the bars full! hopes that help...