Recent content by SimplySophia


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  1. SimplySophia

    SimplySophia's Log

    Demi has indeed become a Maidtchi! For any soul out there who has not seen a Maidtchi and a bow together you have no idea what you're missing! Since she's at her in between stages there's not really much to report. She still goes to school..... Stats are 4yrs 36lbs Training: 6 bars completed...
  2. SimplySophia

    SimplySophia's Log

    Penicl:50 Star:75 Flower:65 23lbs. Demi is now a year old. She is currently attending school with the flower teacher. I'd like for her to become a Maidtchi and since she's a teen young Mimitchi this may happen. Demi's training is going well though it seems more to be scolding and praising...
  3. SimplySophia

    How many Tamagotchis do you play with at once?

    I own three tamas and I would like to get the tama go.......I'm only playing with one right now since the other two are out of batteries. I try to take care of one or two at a time but if I take one out with me it's whichever one needs the most care. I put the other two to sleep so I don't need...
  4. SimplySophia

    Funny Moments When People Have Hit On You

    Couple of akward times but thank the lord I had nice big buff guys with me. There was one time a few of us had been invited to vist a local college. A few others schools were also asked so we were all walking the same places. Some very rude boys*little older I think* made comments about my legs...
  5. SimplySophia

    Height, Weight, Body Image.

    I think that it's hard to be a girl and feel absolutely and completly comfortable with your weight or the way your body is. What someone else see's a beautiful may be the thing you dislike the most about yourself. There are ways to use clothing not extreme dieting or excersizing to highlight the...
  6. SimplySophia

    SimplySophia's Log

    Demi changed into a toddler, Yeah! The nurse has visted us and the two of them have a great time at school. I've never been very good at the mimic game so I have been trying. And thank you to the kind people who've told me how to get to Tama town v4. I'm very excited to log back on and play...
  7. SimplySophia

    V3,V4 and V5 Tamatowns Discontinued?

    I'm so glad you guys were here and that you put up the question Gato! I recently found my v4 and when I went to use tama town I was crushed to see that the town wasn't there! I'm very glad they're not lost:D
  8. SimplySophia

    SimplySophia's Log

    While cleaning yesterday I came across my three tamas. Two were lovely v3's who had no battery life just a blank screen. Sighing with memories I carefully put them on a comfortable tama bed. Then low and behold my v4 has life! Gleafully I ran around the house clutching it to my chest. My sister...
  9. SimplySophia


    Welcome! I have a v4 and then 2 v3's.....I'd really like to get a tamago(:
  10. SimplySophia

    Hello There!

    Thank you all:D @Brutal: I'm not really sure who the horse is. I found the avatar then modified it by putting on some rain cause I like the rain. We could pretend it's spirt :D
  11. SimplySophia

    Hello There!

    It's been a very long time since I was here. My old account I'm sure was deleted to make room for new faces(: I'm getting back into Tama's and am hoping to buy the newest model for the U.S.A. soon.