Recent content by Skibunny92709


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  1. S

    v4? Anyone else have one?

    :huh: Mine is always that dude with the mohawk and he's green? And then it always comes out as a matter how many times I reset it! anyone else have one? :huh:
  2. S

    Tamagotchi V4

    I do have a V4. But I do not have a groth chart. If u have any questions than PM me!
  3. S


    omg that must be creepy!
  4. S


    That's true. How can a tamagotchi charecter be bad? I dunno. *whisperes to herself* anyway! Okay a character can't be bad because you just need to love them and if there was something as a "bad" tama, it's not like it would cahnge your friend list or anything. All tamagotchies just need loving...
  5. S

    Tamagotchi two, toot toot!

    hey! Nice log, it's very detailed. On the V4, is it true you can go to school and get a job and such?! I am getting a V4 his week, sometime because my dad ordered me one (the pink striped one) and it should be coming in soon so I am very excited! Can you give me some tips?! :furawatchi:
  6. S

    My Log!

    Um looks like this log won't be going any further....Mikey died. *sobs* Please reply
  7. S

    V4 on Toys'R'us Webpage US

    my dad ordered me one off of here> enjoy!
  8. S

    My Log!

    plz someone reply! :huh: me and mikey are gettin' lonely! :) ;) :angry: :(
  9. S

    My Log!

    Can someone please reply! I am soo bored and I feel as if nobody likes my log or cares! Oh and Mikey is crying! PLZ REPLY!
  10. S

    My Log!

    Finally! He woke up! It took forever! (less then 3 minutes!) Ok now ur down to 1 heart out of four in the hungry hearts! I will feed him and in a bit, we will play a game! Ok he is back to three!
  11. S

    My Log!

    Okay....can someone please reply!?!! I want to think that people are actually reading this!!!! Mikey just feel asleep and he took a poop right before he did. I earned him 270 points (Maybe half will go to the king) and his weight is 10 lbs. which is pretty good. We are about to play games when...
  12. S

    My Log!

    ok.....Mickey just got sick (he's not feeling well) he also pooped and he has half hearts for hungry and all hearts for happy. First i will clean away the poop *done!* I tried praise but he just gave me a pouty face. Let's try the doctor. It worked but he was NOT happy when I did it. Now he is...
  13. S

    My Log!

    Hi. I just reseted my tama. I have had three girls on this tama and I want a boy! It's still in it's egg right now! :gozarutchi: ~! It's hatching at 1:44 pm (central time) on December 16,2006! And it's a....boy! Let's see we will name it....Mikey!'s hearts are down on everything...
  14. S

    Tama camp... gone wrong!

    She made one special friend, Allison. Allison was ecatly her age and she said..."Hi. Do you have a tamagotchi?" "I do!" I relpied!
  15. S

    Is there such thing as a V4?

    I might get one day! My dad is out looking qfor one right now!