Recent content by Skinny Queeny


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  1. S

    Dream Tamagotchi

    haha Am I the only one who actually choose "stupid" ? ;) I can't help it, I found stupid tama funny as hell :D
  2. S

    What do you think is the best part of tamagotchis

    I love raising them, earn gp, getting jobs.. and I'm always surprised to see how much things and possibilities we can try in this little cute thing :o
  3. S

    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    I'm 18 and I have like 20 tamagotchis :o I just bought an angel, the only one missing in my collection. people think I'm a weirdo, but... yeah I AM ! :o
  4. S

    Do you like tamagotchi v5?

    Not really.. Actually, the v5 has good good and bad points. The good points are that, like PockyGirl said, it's perfect for someone who has work. (I don't. lol :huh: ) And I really like the new characters, and the big screen. But yeah, I got bored in 1 week. And I was disappointed when I...
  5. S

    Hi there

    :huh: Hi ! I introduce myself : I'm Bénédicte, and as you see I'm french (so please, excuse my crappy english ^^' ) I'm 18 and I love tamagotchis ^^ especially this one : :o haha so, I don't know what else to say, I'm happy to be here and I hope we'll have fun together :)
  6. S


    I hide mine in my glasses box ;) Safe and unnoticeable B)