Recent content by tamagotchicuteness


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  1. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    I am so sorry I haven't been posting in a long time. I am busier than ever and my tamagotchis have their batteries taken out. But I don't when but soon I will get them running again. I will end this now. *clicks add reply*
  2. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    Even though today is supposed to be an adventure post I can't really because I don't have time right now and i am like typing at the speed of lightning. So I had Isoko married she had a girl then she grew into a chamametchi then took her to henshin jo she turned into the Hapi thing got her a pet...
  3. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    OK SO LAST NIGHT I TYPED THE LOOONNGGGESST THING EVER THEN I TRIED TO POST IT AND IT SAID ERRORRRR AND THIS IS MY 3RD TIMMEEEEEEEEE TYPING THIS AS MUCH AS I CAN REMEMBER..... Hold on I need to repost the scheldule Monday if I post: AP (adventure post) Tuesday if I post: Hologram Connector...
  4. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    TRIPLE Y PEOPLES!!! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! YIPPEE YAY YAY!!! and if you are reading this "Snowflake" I got your present!!! I want to thank for helping me get Isoko into a Devil Memetchi!!! Thank you sooo much!!! I'll put a pic here. [/img] I don't have much else to...
  5. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    So.......Isoko has turned into a..... [/img] MEMETCHI!!! Isn't it funny? She's in a little devil dress! So it's a devil in Heaven!!! (cuz I put the wallpaper as tamagotchi heaven.) So does anybody know what item gets memetchi into devil memetchi? If you know PLEASE PM me!!!!!!!!! I know it...
  6. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    What I wrote on Sat.... Hilo so yesterday I got my USB!!!!!!!! And I got Reinko married a Mametchi and she had a baby Choribotchi girllllll!!!!!!! So during the olympics, I downloaded some stuff and I decided on my 2 fav games for now... Swimming Koi where you use buttons A and B to move up...
  7. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    Haylo. SO I think I need to make a schedule here. Monday if I post: AP (adventure post) Tuesday if I post: Hologram Connector Wednesday if I post which I probably won't: something very short Thursday if I post: QUESTION DAY or AP or pics Friday if I post which I probably won't: something...
  8. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    Hilloooooo!! sorry i haven't been posting a lot because recently I got introduced to this website called Goatlings the link is HERE. But if you want a successful future and the opposite of a couch potato then DON'T GO TO IT!!!! but if you do make a goatlings account please make the referral to...
  9. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    SO YES I GOT AKEMI TO BE THE PEROTCHI SHE WAS DESTINED TO BE! SHE HAS 4 HAPPY SYMBOLS FROM THE yo-yo, first thing at bakery, , adultness, and kitty cat ears!!!!!! AND she has a pet strawberry!!! Aria turned into a hitodetchi and now a ura young marotchi (spelling?) AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?! I...
  10. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    Exciting and Extremely Cute News!!!! Dream married a Elvis looking guy and had a girl that I will name Aria! They are a happy mommy-daughter combo! Moooommmm!!!!! Will you PLEASE stop nudging me? God, you're so annoying! Honey.....Please don't say the holy word of Him......Aria you may lay on...
  11. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    so so so I made a tamazone account but I'm too lazy to go to my email and activate my account plus my computer is being poopy. Poopbutt turned into a kuchipatchi and got his happy symbols which were the cloud candy, the flower hat and the food that looked like a fat hand. He married a excited...
  12. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    so I just want to say that I AM SOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN A SUPER DUPER LONG TIME!!!!! it's just with fourth of july, vacation stuff, mini trips, skating, and piano I barely have any time for my tamagotchis!!!!!! So I don't have time to post anything interesting today but I probably won't...
  13. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    Just a while ago I got Hideaki married to a Makiko and they had a baby Nittobotchi that I just took to the toilet. When you gotta go, you gotta go!!!!! Jeez Louise!!! What a sassy little baby! Yeah and now you have to name me! Okay!!! :rolleyes: I guess I'll name you Poopbutt. ^_^ Why...
  14. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    I want to try to make this log more interesting. I will use more correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation so this log will be clearer to read. I will use pictures so people can see my tamagotchis visually. And instead of just saying 'so and so involved into something yada yada yada' I will...
  15. tamagotchicuteness

    TamagotchiCuteness's Tama Log!

    Yippee Yippee Yay Yay! Someone voted something! (How do you check what they put?) and thank you CheesyNoodleTama for complimenting my log!!!!!!!!!!! you know what? so before I had this log like when I had Stacy or maybe it was Dofin so I was just searching stuff about my v4.5 and there was a log...