Recent content by TamagotchiRulz


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  1. T

    2 Cool things with v5!

    1) My teen can marry! :huh: :mellow: 2) after preforming the steps at and i got a super speed!!! It gos fast! In 10 min, I have an adult!
  2. T

    I can't connect my V5

    I can't connect my Tamaogtchi v5!!! What happend?? When I try, it goes in reset mode!!! Help, somebody!!!
  3. T

    CNET News comments on tamas

    Everyone has there own opinion. But really, DID THEY HAVE TO DO THAT!!!!!!!!????? I MEAN, THEY REALLY SHOULDN'T DO THAT!!! IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) See my forum at
  4. T

    V5: Parent Evolutions

    This is incorrect. Planetchi comes form Sunnytchi ;)