Recent content by TamaLover7272


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  1. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    oops! srry just pm me cause the admin dont listin and they wont let people post! so anyway i got another tama last nite.. its the blue wave tama! its realy cool i love the design........but yea i reset my green aligator skin tama so that my 2 tama could mate!!! im bored so pm me plz! ;) :)...
  2. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    If u have any suggestions plz dont hesitate 2 reply ! ADMIN ! PLZ DONT DELETE REPLYS!!!!!!
  3. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    I have decided that my Aligator Skin tama is going 2 b my reset dummy cause i want to see how to get certain charatcters.........thats all 4 now
  4. T

    My v3 log!

    *Removed: Please do not post in other people's logs*
  5. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    Hi my tama's have evolved into teens not much has been going on so ill justy read the other logs! :huh: :huh: :P :kusatchi:
  6. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    Hello my tama's are doin good if u want 2 talk then pm me cause im bored! :D :wacko: :lol: :D
  7. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    My babies have evolved! i had 2 reset them becasue they were so they are now very healthy! :) :ph34r: :huh: :huh:
  8. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    Sorry i havent been tama's are great exept 2day they almost died because i thought i put them on pause but i didnt so they were sick, had 2 poops, and all their hearts down! im so sorry! :( but anyway now they are great so ill keep posting!
  9. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    Today my tama's woke up at 8:00. They were really hungry ( 2 hearts down) so i fed them. They havent been needy since they evolved...Im bored so if u want 2 pm me this is a good time 2! :angry: :blink: :rolleyes: :lol:
  10. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    Hey i had 2 restart my tama's so they would grow up 2gether with my brothers and sisters........So ill update on those! :) :D B) :lol:
  11. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    My brother and sister are both getting tamagotchi's! im soooo happy! We can have ours mate and give presents and do a bunch of stuff! :blink: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: IM SO HAPPY!!
  12. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    Hey guess what? My brother is getting a tamagotchi, so my tama's can CONNECT!!! YAY!! I'll post more l8tr today.
  13. T

    My V3

    *Removed: Do not post in other people's logs. If you have a comment use the PM system*
  14. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    Hey i havent been able to post because i was hunting for another tamagotchi! I finnaly found one! ^_^ It is the pink with ice cream cones!!! Im really exited! I restarted all my tama's so they can grow up 2gether. Ill post back soon!
  15. T

    My Tamagotchi V3 Log

    Yay! my tamagotchi's evolved! i now have a young mimitchi and ther space ship thing (if u kno what this is called plz pm me!) They are very well behaved :D