Recent content by TamamgotchiGurl


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  1. T

    tama heartbeat

    I always thought of it as a heartbeat! It seems to make feel that there is a life in there!
  2. T

    Sleeping Times

    :D B) I'm not on here.....I have a leafitchi
  3. T

    Obotchi Help

    I LOVVVVVVVVE obotchis! When my tama was a was one. Now it's a leafitchi! :D B) B) B) B)
  4. T


    I play maplestory too! Sory i saw your signature
  5. T

    What in the world?

    That is a UFOtchi. And you have a V2. It's on the v2 charts. Just scroll way down! I've had one of those with my v2 before it fell under the back car seat. Neever saw it again :(
  6. T

    What is the cheat for Leafitchi?

    I got mine from, teletchi> tamatchi> obotchi > leafichi!
  7. T

    Charecter tips

    I'm not trying to be mean............but you cant REALLY know what types of tamas are good at game better than others. It depends on their stats, like their mood, age, and weight! Sorry if you think im being mean. I"m not trying to. And if i am, im sorry. ;)
  8. T

    What is the cheat for Leafitchi?

    A got a leafitchi without cheats on my tama now!
  9. T

    Zim's Log

    Yesterday, for tahnksgiving a trukey came and chased my tamagotchi! It was funny! Zim was holding out his arms running away from it. Oh! I almost forget! He did the cutest thing yesterday! He walked up and kissed the screen! Oh i could have died! I thoguht they couldn't do that with v3's! Oh...
  10. T

    Zim's Log

    Zim is dancing right now. ( as always ) He is sooooooooooooooooo cute....( for looking like a girl 'n all..........)
  11. T

    Zim's Log

    I know this log isn't very good.....I started it when Zim was at the teen age. But I dont think anyone is really reading this. PLEEEEEEEAAASEEEEEE reply!
  12. T

    Zim's Log

    LOL i caught him drinking coffee! It was soooooooooooooooooo funny! He was all smiling and there was a cup in front of him. HAHA yes that's right
  13. T

    Zim's Log

    Even though zim is a boy.....he really looks know the leaftchi thing. I never had a leaftchi! WOW im happy! I have noooooooooooooo idea how i got him! wow.... :angry: :angry: :angry: :lol: B)
  14. T

    Zim's Log

    ;) :lol: B) ;) YEAH! Zim grew into an adult today at school! Guess what he turned into! *drumroll* LEAFTCHI! I never had one before! THis my FIRST ADULT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now just have to wait itll tomorrow, and i'll set the time and all....and i'll get the matchmaker...
  15. T

    Zim's Log

    Feel free to reply. I give you permission to reply. Thanx