Recent content by techheads_tama


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  1. T

    Welcome from TechHeads which like Tech Stuff...

    Hi fellow TechHeads Intro readers... I've seen all the replies up to here (from the top to here), and I would like to say some things... TamaGirl05: Cool site there, TamaGirl05, and well, about the 2 person account, well, let's not worry about that. We like the TechHeads Group. But we like to...
  2. T

    TamaChat only open on weekends for August

    Why not have TamaChat open on Fridays (American) too for us fellow Australians? Maybe only for certain hours (for instance, 9:00am to 5:00pm EST Australia) or just 1 hour! It's your decision, Admin, your majesty/majesties! ;) Oh, by the way, Hanatchi 3000, TamaChat is the chat service on...
  3. T

    Which Is Creepier, Furby or Tamagotchi?

    Furbys are creepy. But not as creepy as this. <_< This was taken off This Page Off One day my sister called me upstairs and from downstairs I could hear a demented "eeeeeeiiiiiiii" noise. So I rushed upstairs and there was this evil furby thing with evil looking eyes stuck...
  4. T

    Scheduled TamaTalk Chat Day

    This post is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Great idea. Everybody posting about keeping the chatroom open everyday, I agree with you too, but this is great! See above and you'll know what I mean.
  5. T

    Scheduled TamaTalk Chat Day

    Please Admin, keep the Chatroom open all the time. Then more people would go on it, I suppose. Well, I have a chatroom, and I keep it open forever. To see it, visit our site and click on 'TechHeads Chatroom'. The link is below. <_<
  6. T

    Welcome from TechHeads which like Tech Stuff...

    Hi TamaTalk fans, We're TechHeads. We like Tech Stuff, we play Tech Stuff, and best of all, we live in sunny Australia. That's our life in brief. So be our friends, and we'll be like that for the rest of time. B)
  7. T

    The V2 Ban Parental Poll.

    Yes, they had something rather similar on Today Tonight on Network Seven, in Australia, a few nights ago, and a group of parents wanted to ban Version 2's Nationally! How crazy! <_<