Recent content by Terra6teen


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  1. T

    My real tamalog

    Name: Asaoi DOB: 8/30/O6 AT 9:46 PM Stage: Baby He's really tough to take care of!!! :wacko: But he's really cute... :furawatchi: Just a little balck blob on the screen... ANYWAY, he poops every second (he just did) and even though I cleaned it up, he got sick!!! Very picky. To bad I...
  2. T

    Rains tamalog!

  3. T

    Terra's tama log

    April 24, 2006 9:05 Whoops, I was a neglectful owner last night. Both Tate and Liz went to sleep with poop. I wonder if they'lle get sick? :ph34r: Status: Totally full hearts on both, both 5 yrs old, adult stage, full training, gen.2. Now about the poo... ;) I'll clean it up tommorow...
  4. T

    Terra's tama log

    2:30: I just realized... Tate isn't losing any happiness or feeling hungry! :wacko: Same with Liz! They haven't lost one heart! Not since they were teens! And they transformed YESTERDAY!! :D :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: aahhh! Now I'm getting scared... ;) :unsure:
  5. T


    Hi! My name is Terra and I joined tamatalk yesterday. I am 14 years old, and my fav tamas are angelgotchis, morinos, oceans and v2s. Currently running are my twin pack of camofluage v2s. :marumimitchi: Hope someone talks to me. :ichigotchi: Thanx, tamatalk members. :huh:
  6. T

    Terra's tama log

    April,25,2006. 11:39 Yesterday, Tate evolved into a Mimitchi! My first! Sweet! :kuribotchi: LIz evolved into a panda with a crown. I wonder wat they're called? :ichigotchi: Anyway, to catch you up on my Tamas stats: Gen.2, Version 2, two v2 tamas, Tate and Liz, twins, boys, 4 yrs old each...