Recent content by Totoro1987


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  1. Totoro1987

    "Hatch your favorite Tamagotchi(s)" Hatch Log

    Hey guys, Wolfgang evolved into Kuchipatchi today!! I wanted to go for Knighttchi, who is the perfect care Gourmet character, but I must has messed up somewhere. I love Kuchipatchi though, so I'm real glad I got him!  :ichigotchi:  He likes jumping around a lot and gets my attention to send me...
  2. Totoro1987

    "Hatch your favorite Tamagotchi(s)" Hatch Log

    Hey guys! Wolfgang evolved into Cosmotchi. He's just been chilling, now I can take him to school and train him up. I'm probably going to go for the "Gourmet" points cause I like cooking myself. Active might be cool as well, but Social is just alright. He loves taking baths and getting my...
  3. Totoro1987

    "Hatch your favorite Tamagotchi(s)" Hatch Log

    Hi Everyone!! I am very excited to start this Hatch with you all  :D    When booting up my Tama friends, I picked the horizontal striped egg which turned out to be a baby boy, Aokumotchi. I can't name them on this version, but I secretly call him Wolfgang after my favorite animal crossing...
  4. Totoro1987

    "Hatch your favorite Tamagotchi(s)" Hatch

    I'm in!  :D I'll be running my Tamgotchi Friends Dream Town  :ichigotchi:
  5. Totoro1987

    Connection v4.5 Question

    Thank you so much for your help! The descriptive nature of your post worked wonders for learning about Tamas! 😊 I greatly appreciate it 😉
  6. Totoro1987

    Connection v4.5 Question

    Hi everyone! I am very new to the Tamagotchi 4.5 and I'm not sure whether or not it grows by care? Every growth chart I look at just has the skill points on it and wiki articles also just reference the skill points. Is that the only influence in this Tama's evolution line or is care still a...