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  1. B

    V4.5 - Which teachers for which skill points?

    Since the new V4.5 Tamagotchi has different skill points I was wondering which school teachers will give you which skill points.   If there is already a topic about this please give me the link to it!   Thanks.
  2. B

    A question concerning the V 4.5 Accessory pack.

    I am considering purchasing the new Tamagotchi V 4.5 and the Accessory pack as well which comes with the CD and microphone and such. However, when I read the reviews on the accessory pack I learned that many thought the microphone was bad quality, and the pack itself wasn't worth purchasing.  ...
  3. B

    BeeTea's V4 TamaLog

    TamaLog – Day One (Yesterday)   Introduction: Hello! This is entry one of my V4 Log. I appreciate avid readers and comments. However, do not post in this log please. PM me is you do wish to speak to me. Your fellow Tamagotchi Lover, Stephanie.   Status: Name: Mooki Gender: Female...
  4. B

    Can the Elderly still have eggs?

    Hi, My V3 Tama is now an elderly and I was wondering if elderly Tamagotchi's can still have eggs with other Tamagotchis? Thanks! <3 - Stephanie.
  5. B

    At what age will my Tama die?

    Hi. :)   I have a V3, and my Tamagotchi is currently 7 years old.   I as wondering, If it doesn't get a lover and then an egg or the matchmaker doesn't come (or does it always come?) at what age will my tama die?   Is it soon?
  6. B

    Bee Tea's TamaLog <3

    Tama Log - Entry 1   Stats Name: Opo Stage: Teenager Training: 4 Age: 1 year Weight: 21 lbs Gender: Girl Generation: 1st Gen Hunger: **** Happiness: **** Race: Hinatchi   Various Info   - My Tamagotchi is a pink V3 with hearts decorating it!   - Opo, currently has one friend, a...