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  1. E


    How do you get rid of items? Can you press something to get rid of them or do you just use them up until they disappear?
  2. E

    (Drum roll) My V3 log!

    Here is the log for my current tamas (updated frequently): V1 (pink w/ purple and pink bubbles) (note: I've had my v1 for a while. It was just recently that I decided to revive it) Name: Myles Gender: Boy Babytchi - ??? - ??? - Mimitchi :mametchi: Mated with random ??? Name: Daisy...
  3. E


    It was several times that I wrapped a present on my V3 tama and it was successfully given to my v1 tama (in one form or another). Other times, my v3 tama doesn't give the wrapped present to my v1 tama, it just gives the neutral presents (flower, poop, etc). Do you know what's going on?
  4. E

    Eggfriend says hello!

    I'm new to this place. I have a connection v1 tama (pink with purple and pink bubbles) and a connection v3 tama (midnight blue with stars). It was just recently that I mated them for the first time :o