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  1. C


    help me!!! i keep going to the school and trying to change the teachers i press a or c when the teacher comes and it still wont change (im am not in pre-school) whats wrong???
  2. C

    My v4 Tama Log for my Tama

    Ok my tama just hatched. It's a girl! I named her Elise I fed her 4 scones and 4 cones. She is fully full and happy. I am now just waiting for the teacher to come no so I can go to school.
  3. C


    >ok my tamas are a v1 and v2 they r both teens born the same time and day so they do the same things and on my v2 i used the code and got a love potion so i want to know once their adults do they have to be a certain amount of hours in theiradult age to be able to use the love potion? and my...
  4. C

    My Tamagotchi Log

    I am now going to talk about my two tamagotchis. They are my v1 ans v2. My v1 is a girl named Momo and my v2 is a boy named Kiley. What I'm going to do is mate them instead of waiting for the matchmaker. MOMO HUNGRY: 4/4 HAPPY:4/4 TRAINING: 1/9 YEARS: 0 LB: 24 GENDER: GIRL GEN: 1 KILEY...
  5. C

    My Tamagotchi's Log

    >I'm sorry if I didn't start when I restarted my v1. But anyways it's a girl named Lana. It's 6 years old and is a masktchi. I'm just waiting for the matchmaker to come so I can get 2nd generation. So I'll keep updating you guys.
  6. C


    Willl someone please tell me if it is OK to debug a v1?
  7. C

    Carly's Log

    >I just reset my version 1 because my batteries were dead so I put in new ones. It just hatched a girl! I'm naming a her Lana! I'll post when it evolves!