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  1. M

    Rare CD

    I need to get souvenir 23 and i know it has been said many times it's the rare CD and i have to play a game in Tama Beat. When i go there though, there is only one game which gives you the microphone! Please help me!!!!! I don't know if i'm just being thick and missing something or not :(
  2. M

    Did anyone ever own...

    :( I was sorting through some stuff in my room before Christmas and found a really old VP i bought about 10 years ago. It was in the shape of a pink house, and you had to look after a little baby girl. There was lots of cool things you could do, and she had loads of different facial...
  3. M


    Hi there! I live in London, England and i'm 23. Are there any other TamaFans in their twenties out there? :furawatchi: Anyway, i love Tamagotchi, although i'm not very good with them. I have 2 Connexions, and 2 Connexion v.3's. Hoping to get a v.4 soon yay! :mametchi: Just wish i had...