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  1. P

    Insane Theory but...

    Okay, on the v4 Tamatown, I've found gum on the ceiling of the school. Is this something like the golden tamagotchi, or is it just for show? None of you probably know anything, but if you do, please tell. If this topic has come before, sorry. I tried searching and I didn't find anything along...
  2. P

    Okay, I did something wrong today...

    Okay, so I'm on Tamatown, and I'm at the PreSchool with my new adult tamagotchi. I'm pressing tab to get the games because it's weird, and I find the towel game. Suddenly, when I win, it gives me "undefined pts".....I have absolutely no clue what happened. I'm about to see how many points I get...
  3. P

    Question about signs on status page in v4...

    I have a teenager now. I think I get what they mean, but I can figure out how to get the third one. Currently I have 23 pencil icons, 19 star icons, and 8 flower icons. I can't figure out how to get flower icons, and I didn't get an instruction manual, unless they never give one. Can someone...