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    The Game "Dance" on V4

    Does anyone know how many rounds there are? It's the only game I have trouble completing :(
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    The Robber

    Just to let you folks know that even when your stars for money/points is 3/3 you're not exempt from recieving a visit from the robber. It happened to me last night and he took 800points.
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    I am on my first generation of my version 4 and on Friday it was visited by a matchmaker, consequently fell in love and made another tama. So, now I have "Jez" and a baby on my screen - what happens next?
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    Sleeping Times

    Is there supposed to be set sleeping times for tamas? I thought it was 8pm -8am, yet mine seems to go to sleep at odd times, not even on the hour...
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    The game "dance"

    I have read the instructions, yet still can't make any sense of it. Whatever I press, I lose. Does anyone have any clues to what I might be doing wrong? Thanks, Laura
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    I am a newbie to having a Tamagotchi (v4) having bought it just last Saturday. I've named her Jez and she's truly sweet. Has anyone else been robbed lots? I've been robbed of over 1000points in the last 48 hours :)