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  1. H

    My tama is umm she has a bed?

    my tama fell asleep and it was in a bed??? it had zzzz coming from the tama in its bed!!! WHAT THE HECK! ^_^ ;) :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :nazotchi: (it has a nice bed) hehe
  2. H

    This is dumb but...

    Why are familys of the same kind so great?! dont you want all diffrent kinds of tamas? what about half blood?
  3. H


    How old does my tama have to be for the matchmaker to come
  4. H

    Help! I need job!

    :lol: i have a v4 adult its intellagence wont go higher than 46 its 3 and i need a job!
  5. H

    I have some questions! PLZ HELP!

    I have :ph34r: if it matters. I want to know when she gets a real job? :huh: I'm still in the school with an adult! :) When does the match maker come? :huh: All of my friends have boys and mines a girl and I want to marry! :angry: Oh and some more info the little flower is 4, the...