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  1. T

    What is your LEAST fav tam?

    ;) :furawatchi: :chohimetchi: :P :) :lol:
  2. T


    Please post here if you are going to do it! Every time it evolves, please post. Starts at 12:00 central time! :P :)
  3. T

    What is your fav version?

    mine is v3 maybe. used to be v4.5, but ever since i debugged it, there's no point in doing it cuz i have all the characters. :P :( ;) :( B)
  4. T

    *embarrassed noob*

    I don't know how to close a topic... So can somebody close "SOOOOOO Annoying Kuchipatchi Lover READ!" please???
  5. T

    Where do you keep your tamas?

    on a lanyard... :lol: :D :D :D :D :huh:
  6. T

    Double Names

    I call 'em double names. JADE 2 HADE RONLD 2 PONLD BROOK 2 ROOK and there are more... but i cant think rite now... have you ever had one????????? REPLY PLZ!!!!! B) B) B) :angry: :angry: :angry: ;) <_<
  7. T

    Universal Quicksand

    On my v4, since I'm trying to get all of the characters, I have to get universals, too. But every time I try for a boy adult one, I get Gozarutchi!!!!!!!!! I really need Debatchi + Pyontitchi!!!!!!! (or is it pyonkotchi) B)
  8. T


    Does it really matter?? Everybody knows that you get Nazotchi by not feeding it any snacks. :D ;) :D
  9. T

    Same family

    *sigh* i get ninjas every time (well, almost anyways) :D ;) :D :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  10. T

    V3 hatching July 7th!

    :) Group hatching july 7th 3:00 PM Central time. V3 ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D