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  1. Y

    what's wrong with her?

    ok so all of a sudden i try to take yazzy to work but the buttons won't work. And when it DOES work the highlight thing won't stop on a icon and when it does stop if i try to go to it, it'll say PUASE or SOUND >on >off so what's wrong with her? do i have to *debug* her? what is that...
  2. Y

    Help on v4.5

    Does anyone know how to... * potty train your tamagotchi *why my tama is an adult and is only 2 years old * a FAST way to get training points *how come when i go to parents i only see yazzy's dad when the mom??? * and lastly how do you play the rockstar job ( i just see circles and half...
  3. Y

    Are you a good parent?

    Hey giys this is my very FIRST tama poll so please do it accordingly!!!