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  1. msaaan

    Old timers/seniors

    Hi, I was wondering if all tamas turn into seniors/old timers? I have an adult tama Pyonchitchi connection V2 and was curiousas to if they evolve or just die of old age.
  2. msaaan


    Hi, I've had a Tamagotchi since 2004 and I sporadically use it, but it wasn't until I had the flu this year and was bed ridden that I truly got into it. I wanted to start it up again as i never got to truly master it as a child and had very little patience. Will be looking forward to sharing my...
  3. msaaan

    V2 Tamagotchi Log

    Hello! I recently started using my V2 again :) I got it in 2004 when I was a kid and I wanted to share my journey with my Tamagotchi. I also had a couple questions for anyone who reads this and uses the V2. How do you know how much they're supposed to weigh? How often do I need to feed my...