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  1. K

    tama twins

    i read on gamewinners that you can get tama twins.... its about 3/4 of the way down the page is it true...cuz id like to try it but i will have to let my tama turn into an old timer then leave and yada yada you know what imtalkgin...
  2. K

    Connection and Conexion

    any differnce between them besides the name and where there sold????Yea know liek features and stuff (I know its the diff between usa and europe)
  3. K

    When my Gozarutchi........

    plays with his cape he flashs back and forth between Gozarutchi and Oyagitchi..but then he turns back into himself when hes done playign with his cape? is this normal or is there any secret about this i dont know??
  4. K

    what the diff between...

    a mini and regular and connexion and connection?
  5. K

    v1+v2----tama babies

    ok so i have 2 tamas ( a v1 and a v2) they are both lovers now....they both have 4 hearts for each other on the friends do i get them to have tama babies???.....also my tama is 4 years old and i have not yet seen a ufo in my shop...any help???? thanks a bunch
  6. K

    My tama wont use objects/ ver 1/2 Q

    Ok i have 2 questions First i had the origianl tama from like ears ago...then i bought a tama connection i bought the 2nd one (this is not the uestion! lol) My tama(2) wont wear any costumes or play with any toys (t is a teenager) also if i wrap a present to give to a friend it wont...