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  1. K

    How to get items in Cho Jinsei's (Entama)

    Yeah...How do you get to the shop on a Cho Jinsei? >_< I've been trying forever, and I tried to find the answer on some websites but I can't. :) So I needed to come here. :huh: Somebody please help me!
  2. K

    My two boys! Tama V1, V3 (And another soon!)

    Yeah, well I figure I'd start a log of my own after getting a new battery for my old V1! And I should also be getting a Entama here -- in a few days, ordered it from Yes Asia last Friday! :furawatchi: V1-- Name:: Sora Type:: Babytchi Gender:: Boy Dicipline:: 0/10? Wieght:: 7lbs Age:: 0...
  3. K

    Hiya ~

    Hey there! I'm new and my name is Kiera. Yes. Key-Air-Ah. Just thought I make a topic...yeah XD So I have 2 Tamagotchi's right now. A Connection V1 (it needs new batteries, do V1s take the same as V3?) A connection V3 And soon to be a... Caio 30 Enjoy Life Tama Mametchi Design. ( They're...