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  1. T


    i have seen my tama watch tv! no joke!
  2. T

    Corner Shop = V4? No

    well, its definatly possible. bandai probably wont do it bcuz of cost and would u buy a tama if it costed like 35 bucks??!! i wouldnt!
  3. T

    Get a baby quicker

    AWSOME!!!!!!!! :D
  4. T

    Get a baby quicker

    hi. when u say '11:59' do u mean p.m. or a.m.?? please answer soon :blink:
  5. T

    what is debugging?

    okay..thanks but umm what does it doo? does it work? :wacko:
  6. T

    Very rare tamagotchi(I think)

    i have had that one like 20 times! im in generation 7..dide couple times but thats not rare..lots of pppl have had it!
  7. T

    Tamagochi Style

    i like the orange with tropical flowers and the blue camo one...
  8. T

    what is debugging?

    help! all my friends are talking bout it! what the heck is debugging? omg!
  9. T

    my tamagotchi turned into the matchmaker.

    i have the machmaker to, and i think that its in the senior stage, and we cant use items cuz its like the toddler, we cannot use items. when u get a baby and on 2 next generation, u can use ur items again. wanna be friends? im emma. [email protected]
  10. T


    hey if the 10:29 thing doesnt work try 2:59 if its a tamagotchi connecTION i am sammy....e-mail me at [email protected] if u need any help on ur tama
  11. T

    The King

    to get the code, you must make at least three donations to the king. if not, he wont give u a passord! ok..i explained it prety well i
  12. T

    free royal coustom works look i swear

    you kknow, u could have at least asked her or given her credit before doing that! its against the law, and its not rude. i cant belive u would do that!!! ugh, thats discusing! but it actually works!