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  1. stvn6

    Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?

    28 here...and yes...seems to be only once every few years, but..yes :-)
  2. stvn6

    Do you remember your first tama?

    My first is my avatar picture. I bought it second hand in 1997 from one of my best friends. That was the seventh grade. I was viewed as a little too old at the time to be playing with one of them, so I used to keep it hidden in my desk at school (yet I was always being caught playing with...
  3. stvn6

    Current characters on your running Tamas?

    I spoke too soon. Hoshitchi evolved into Shelltchi :-)
  4. stvn6

    Current characters on your running Tamas?

    P1: Tamatchi (Blue egg, pink trim, yellow buttons) V3: Young Mametchi (Blue cammo egg) Tama-Go: Hoshitchi (Black egg, Mametchi figure, second wave)
  5. stvn6

    "Don't Stop Making Tamas!" Petition

    Age: 28 Gender: Male Country: United States Comment: Keep 'em coming!