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  1. N

    Not new but a new question!

    I think you have to take special care. something like not letting the hearts drop over 1 heart i think. i had a young mimitchi and it turned into Dorotchi. and if you want to know what it's like to have a v4, it's awsome! there's new characters, items, you recieve mail, go to school, get a job...
  2. N

    How do You make Your Tamas Mate?

    i got love potions for both of my tamas and used them at the same time.
  3. N

    How do You make Your Tamas Mate?

    is there another way to do it?
  4. N

    How do You make Your Tamas Mate?

    both of my tamas got the love potion and then i connected them and put present. my girl gave the guy a kiss and a bunch of hearts popped up also my girl one gave him a chocolate heart. but nothing happened. did i do it right?? ^_^ :ph34r:
  5. N

    Im Starting a Tama fad at my Elm school!

    how did they get ran-over by a truck?
  6. N

    Im Starting a Tama fad at my Elm school!

    recently 1 of my tamas got stolen from someone in my class. i asked my teacher if she could offer a reward for whoever turns it in and someone did that very same day. and the whole time it was on pause, so they were probably all like, "OMG what a boring toy!! it doesnt do anything!!!"
  7. N

    Im Starting a Tama fad at my Elm school!

    in the summer i got a tamagotchi and i told my 2 best friends about it, so they both got 1. one of my best friends told two of his friends and they each got 1. i told my other 2 friends and they each got 1. my other friend has 3. 3 4th graders each have 1. my other friend has 1. and this girl...
  8. N

    Getting different characters

    I have info on how to get a :( : Gender: girl Toddler: Tamatchi Teen: Obotchi Adult: <_< I let two hearts drop on every stage. One on happy, one on hungry. I let her get really fat, like up to 97 lb. I never played games when she was a baby. I played only bump when she was a...