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  1. M

    Tamadex V3 Project!

    mine- gender: boy (teletchi) child: tamatchi teen: pirorirotchi adult: mimiyorutchi Generation 3
  2. M

    Tamadex V3 Project!

    mine- gender:girl child:tamatchi teen:hinotamatchi adult: no adult yet generation:2 my sisters- gender:boy child:tamatchi teen:Piroriroritchi adult:megatchi generation:1
  3. M

    how to get mametchi

    thanks. i will try that when my next adult leaves. :mellow:
  4. M


    dont worry!!! nothing bad is going to happen. it always lights up when the lights are off. :huh:
  5. M

    goodbye marty!

    Tamagotchi's Name: marty Tamagotchi's Age: 6 years Date of Birth: 19.11.06 Date of Passing: 21.11.06 What Generation? 9 :D Your Comments: this was my third tarakotchi and i heard the dreading beep while i was in the middle of practicing a song on my cello! :P