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  1. K

    Masktchi Petetion poll

    Aww...I like Maskchis. They are nice! My first ever Tama (Cally) was a Maskchi. It lived until 11 years old and I was sad when it died. I admit it, I like Kutchipatchis a little bit better but I wouldn't *kill* my Tama if it was a Maskchi. I mean, it's not the tamagotchi's fault is it?
  2. K

    Whats your Tamagotchi doin right now?

    :ohmy: My tamagotchis are HAVING Tamababies! :ohmy:
  3. K

    A group hatch have a look!!!

    It will hatch in 5 minutes.
  4. K

    A group hatch have a look!!!

    OK! I'm hatching now....
  5. K


    I'll join! I've got my Tama with me now!