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  1. M

    My tama has a baby!

    Possibly...does my tamagotchi make any sounds or anything when the matchmaker comes?
  2. M

    My tama has a baby!

    My tama was in my pocket most of the time though. Whenever someone looked at it, I was right there watching them.
  3. M

    HELP ME MY tamagotchis R BEIN KIDNAPED

    Why did she have to take all four?
  4. M

    My tama has a baby!

    Okay, so I'm at a birthday party and I decided to bring my tamagotchi along with me. My tama has been an adult for 3 days now, so I expected the Matchmaker to come. I'm having fun with my friends when I hear beeping, but the beeping is different from the beep from when my tama need attention. I...
  5. M

    Which is better?

    Since I have to go to school everyday, should I pause my tama until I get home? Or should I change the time to 8:00PM every morning aso it goes to sleep and change it back when I get home?
  6. M

    Getting Older?

    Does pausing the game until Jeff gets to breeding age work?
  7. M


    Okay, thanks.
  8. M

    how to mail people?

    If people didn't know how to PM then how could they mail you for more info? O.o
  9. M


    My tama-which is an Ichigotchi-won't play games with me unless I give it snacks. Whenever it weighs 20 or 21lbs, it won't play games with me but if it's 22lbs, it will play the dancing game. It will also play the jumping game if it weighs 23 or more. Is this because 20lbs is the lowest it can go?
  10. M


    Okay, that site is really useful. Thanks!
  11. M


    Is there any way to find out when your tama will need to go to the toilet again?
  12. M

    Nap times

    Okay, thanks. But when do they wake up?
  13. M

    Nap times

    Can anyone tell me when our tama's nap times are?
  14. M

    Should I get one?

    Does pausing drain alot from your battery?
  15. M

    Version 2

    Connexion won't be coming out for the US because it's for Europe. Unless you're talking about Connection, which is already out.
  16. M

    Version 2

    It's a pretty new Tamagotchi...I don't think it's even out in the US yet.
  17. M

    How Can You Get Clothes 4 A V1 Tamagotchi?

    Yeah, I think that's a feature in V2 that V1 doesn't have.
  18. M

    Should I get one?

    Well now that they're only selling the V1, I can pause the game on that? Does that stop time in the game or does time just go by and your tama won't do anything?
  19. M


    Is pausing the game really a cheat?
  20. M

    Should I get one?

    I really, really want a tamagotchi connection. But I'm afraid that I might not be able to take care of it during school and stuff. So should I still get one?