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  1. H

    V4 help?

    Thanks everybody! That helped me out alot.
  2. H

    V4 mail

    Pm me if anyone can help me. Oh and one more thing I got a cell phone about a half n hour ago. What do I do with it? Thanx =)
  3. H

    V4 mail

    It get's annoying. Like every 5-10 minutes my tama gets mail. Is that normal?
  4. H

    v4 ... or not?

    I live in the U.s. and they6 had the v4's the day after christmas (well that I know of) if I were you I would go online to websites and see. Good luck. Hope you can get one today! :)
  5. H

    Help my V4 is waking me up at six!

    Right when I got my tama V4 it took forevor to go to sleep. It would go at like 1:00 Am. I then checked the time on my tama and I had set it to the wrong time. So if I were you I would check the time and reset it if it isn't right.
  6. H

    V4 help?

    I was just looking around on tamatalk and I put in a code and it gave me a cell phone. But I really don't know what you do with it? Can someone help me?
  7. H

    V4 Shop List

    I got mine at Target.
  8. H

    Decorating Ur Tama!

    oh and one more tihng [sorry to keep being the only one posting] but my friend has a v3 tamagotchi and she painted it with nail polish and it was fine but then like a day later the nail polish cracked off and it got into the battery thing and it broke. She replaced the battery but it still...
  9. H

    Decorating Ur Tama!

    If you don't get wut I mean pm me
  10. H

    Decorating Ur Tama!

    I love everbody's ideas! they are soooo neat. I migh try the baby sock one and the key chain thng. But I also ave another idea. You could buy a keycain from the store and what you do is: remove the big 'O' from ur tama and add the keychain in replace of it. Or you could just put the keychain...
  11. H

    Decorating Ur Tama!

    I have the v4 and it glows in the dark! it's sooo kool. Here is a picture of it: it's kind of hard to see but the green part on it glows in the dark :(
  12. H

    V4 Not Connecting?

    I have 3 tamaotchi's but 2 of there battery's died. So i haven't conected mine yet. But I have a question I think i have a v1 and a v2 can they conncet with the v4's?
  13. H

    What design ideas or themes would you like to see?

    I think camaflauge one's would be kool. Or I think there should be one with the charectors on the front. Or mabey one's u can design ur-self. [idk how u would do that but it would be kool] I hope you use some of my ideas! :rolleyes: :lol: :ph34r: :wacko: :wacko: :unsure...
  14. H

    Version 9 TAMAGOTCHI!

    I hope no one buy's those. They are soooo FAKE! They even call it a tamagotchi. That should be illegal or something. :wub: :D :kuribotchi: :lol: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi:
  15. H

    Tamagotchi Warnings

    I reccomend just buying them from like Target, Kmart, Wal-mart, Fred Meyers and places like thay becuase I know they are all real Tamagotchi's
  16. H

    tamatown help please

    Hah I am sooooo stupid. I put a space before my name nd I didn't know it but I figured it out. But I have one more question. I got a cd from tamatown. But what do I do with it?
  17. H

    tamatown help please

    Ok well when I go to and press the v4 one i put in my username and password but it won't let me login. Can anyone help me? Please?
  18. H


    they must be out becuase I have one lol! ok well i need help i have a v4 like I said and when I go to i put in my username and the password but it won't let me in. Does anyone know why? pm me or e-mail me or something to help me. Thanx =] :wub:
  19. H

    I need help with the v4!

    hahhhahha that's funni when i pressed c it did a dance to. y duz it do that? o and 1 more thing when i go to and press the v4 one (i have the v4) i put in my username and the password it won't let me in. Can someone please help me?
  20. H


    is anyone here? well i m gonna leave this post send me a pm or something to help me . thanx alot =)