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  1. M

    what virtual pets do you have?

    I only have 2 x v3 Tamas, 1 v1 tama, Kimiko the Fosterling, Giga Pet Jurassic Park dino and another virtual dino. I gave all my other VPs away when i was clearing out my room a few years ago!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! :P :lol: :angry: :lol:
  2. M


    Hi everyone!! :lol: Thank you for all your messages! I'm having loads of fun!! I love this site :lol:
  3. M

    Rare CD

    Ok, i've finally got the Rare CD :lol: , but i had to go to the v3 Tama Town through and not Why are there differences? Also, the europe TamaTown doesn't have the 2 games in the food court, and the game in the townhall. Are there any other differences? I...
  4. M

    Rare CD

    This is so weird!! And i still can't get it to work. Something very strange is going on.... :mametchi: :mametchi: :D :ichigotchi: :)
  5. M

    Did anyone ever own...

    :mametchi: Wow, thanks a lot Mothra!! That's brilliant. Can't wait. Did you own one then? Hopefully i will be able to get it to grow up properly this time, yay!! :ichigotchi:
  6. M

    Rare CD

    I can't click on them though :( It won't let me, i've tried loads of times. When i hover over it, the cursor remains an arrow, and no matter how much i click nothing happens. That is so annoying. :P Is this only happening for me?
  7. M


    Hi! and thanks. I've read all the rules and stuff and i hope i don't get any negative karma!! I'll definitely PM if i need anything, thanks!! :D
  8. M


    Hi there! ^^ Yay, we can be newbies together lol ^^
  9. M


    Hi!! Thank you, i'm gonna try that. Wish me luck!! :(
  10. M

    Rare CD

    I need to get souvenir 23 and i know it has been said many times it's the rare CD and i have to play a game in Tama Beat. When i go there though, there is only one game which gives you the microphone! Please help me!!!!! I don't know if i'm just being thick and missing something or not :(
  11. M

    Did anyone ever own...

    :( I was sorting through some stuff in my room before Christmas and found a really old VP i bought about 10 years ago. It was in the shape of a pink house, and you had to look after a little baby girl. There was lots of cool things you could do, and she had loads of different facial...
  12. M


    What's the highest generation you have ever got up to? I was on 9, with a little tamababy by it's side, then it died ~ aargghh so close to 10th gen!! :huh: haha
  13. M


    I'm on my 5th!! :huh: :furawatchi:
  14. M


    I am definitely gonna get some! I just have to find a shop near me that sells them. :huh:
  15. M

    I will get beard before V4 comes to me :(

    They are out in England, i saw them in December. Not sure how long they have been out, but my sister saw them a few weeks before me. So there will definitely be some on ebay, or even amazon something like that.
  16. M

    My New Tamagotchi Collection Census

    Wow :mametchi: That is an absolutely amazing collection! It makes my 4 look quite insignificant! Where do you get all the Japanese versions from? I wish i had got all of the older versions of Tamagotchis when i could :furawatchi: I always wanted an original Tamagotchi in 97 but had to...
  17. M

    Are you too old to own a Tama?

    I don't see any problem with older people playing with Tamagotchis. It's like sucking your thumb, just because it is something most children grow out of, it doesn't mean that those who still suck their thumb will be any less mature as they age. I have four (plus a whole host of other non-Bandai...
  18. M


    Hi there! I live in London, England and i'm 23. Are there any other TamaFans in their twenties out there? :furawatchi: Anyway, i love Tamagotchi, although i'm not very good with them. I have 2 Connexions, and 2 Connexion v.3's. Hoping to get a v.4 soon yay! :mametchi: Just wish i had...