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  1. X


    Thanks a lot. Im ginna be getting a Memetchi soon. =)
  2. X

    When in January?

    In Canada its coming out in early febuary. At ToysRus
  3. X

    V4 selling in America?

    Are they in Canada yet?
  4. X


    OMG! I just broke my tama trying to debug it. :D
  5. X

    Here they are!

    Does anyone live in Canada that has a v4 tama that didn't get it online?
  6. X

    V4 on Toys'R'us Webpage US

    OMG! I just broke my v3 trying to debug it. And I dont want to get another v3 beacause v4 is coming out! But I dont know when its coming in Canada!! PLUS: my parents dont buy online. :(
  7. X


    Lol, I was following a guide to debugging and changing the background and I broke my tama. Anyone know when v4 is coming to Canada?
  8. X


    How do you debug a tama? my friend at school took mine apart. And she said she might have debugged it. And I also just recently restarted my tama. What does debug do anyway?
  9. X

    How Do I Age My Pet?

    I also forgot to say that, My training bar is still at zero! I play games with it, I feed it and used so many passwords. I already have the royal costume. Please tell me how to train my pet. And i already know about the punish it when its made or crying.
  10. X

    How Do I Age My Pet?

    I've had my tamagotchi for 2 days now and it hasn't died yet. Its still at 7 years and my pet wakes up at 8-9 usually.
  11. X

    How Do I Age My Pet?

    I have a v3 and I just got it. It already is a kid and im still waiting for it to become a teen. It's also still at 0 years.