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  1. L

    You CHEATED on her?!?

    haha That is hilarious... poor guy... And its not his fault, its yours lol... its like a "He told me to do it!" moment that never works. And then he got poop as a present. Its like the icing on the cake.
  2. L

    Daddy, go away ♥

    yea, with my v4.5, the time was about 35ish hours before the baby was alone. i was getting worried, too, when my rose wouldnt leave her baby. congratulations by the way
  3. L

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    6/10 kind of plain
  4. L

    The ^ > V game!

    ^you will never here me say yo... unless im jokin > incredibly understanding (with feelings or new things like in math and such) v is single?
  5. L

    Furbies are...

    ok first off, that is really cute and id be scared too if someone buried me for 6 years... anyways, i find furbies anoying and creepy. annoying when youre trying to do something and all they do is talk. Creepy when late at nite you wake up and here this thing talking... i almost threw my old...
  6. L

    wut is a ura?

    Actually the Uras can have a tail, or wings or some weird head thing that looks like theyve been hit in the head and now have a bump. Its not just wings.
  7. L


    I would have an unbelievably large nose because it can be changed.... PLASTIC SURGERY!
  8. L

    V4.5 Jobs

    ummm My tama has to jump on a trampoline and pop balloons... And I would look on the instruction sheet, but my siblings oh so conveniently shredded it. So I had to throw it away.
  9. L

    Dumbest thing you've ever done.

    Umm... in 7th grade me and my friends were being really stupid and were jumping over this jump rope that 2 people were holding on the stage during gym. Well, me being the smarty that I am said "hey lets take our shoes off in jump over in our socks"... well 2 of my friends did this along with...
  10. L

    Would you Rather?

    umm i chose sleep with the nerdiest guy... cuz i dont really care but for yours... id rather have hockey sticks for legs...
  11. L

    should i bring my tama to school?

    I take mine to school all the time. I just turn the sound off and check on it whenever we change classes or I get bored in my class (doesnt take much trust me). We dont have a strick policy on Tamagotchis, not on anything really except cellphones... I know people who have brought in their Xboxes...
  12. L

    My v4.5 changed!

    My V4.5 changed into a teen at age 1 and changed into an adult at age 2 and now has a baby at age 5.... (The Matchmaker just came a few hours ago) :) :ph34r:
  13. L


    I think they're educational... It teaches responsibilty without the risk of an actual animal dying. It's a good way for parents to know if their kid is going to neglect their new pet or take care of it or take care of it for a while and then get tired of it. Except with me it was backwards...
  14. L

    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    I dont think so. I'm the same age as you and I still have mine. Although I should follow your example and buy a second one because i only know one person who still has one, but she doesnt play with it. She got "too old".
  15. L

    V4.5 Jobs

    My V4.5, Rose,has had a job for a day now and I have no idea what it is.... If anyone has information on the jobs, I would really appreciate it
  16. L

    Tama V4.5 Growth Chart (NOT V4!)

    Gender: female Humor: 30 Gorgeous: 25 Spiritual: 52 Care: somewhere between good and perfect What character you got: Ura Zukyutchi What teen it was: Ura Young Mirotchi