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  1. M

    How to get Nazotchi?

    Is there any way to get nazotchi???? I've been wanting to get him so bad.... :lol: :angry:
  2. M

    What are all the jobs for v4?

    Well, I want to know what jobs there are for v4. Cause i wanna look for a good job i want my tamagotchi to tama is a Young Mametchi :lol:
  3. M

    V4 jobs

    Weird.......I got my scholarship for normal school at the age of 2. I bet it's cause my young memetchi is cool :lol: .
  4. M

    Need help with something.

    Same :lol: ! I got it yesterday. mine is a young memetchi. it's pimp.
  5. M

    Is This Good or Bad?

    MEGATCHI RULES. You get him by treating your tamagotchi really good in toddler stage, then neglect it for teenage and adult. you also have to make sure his training points are like 2-4 or so