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  1. S


    See, that's what I thought, but all it said was 'standby'.
  2. S


    I have a v4 and my friend has a v3. First, it's probably a good idea to ask if we can even connect ours. If so... How exactly do we go about doing so?
  3. S

    How long have you had you tamagotchi?

    I had one way back in the day when they first came out in the United States. The battery died and I never replaced it, and I guess I just lost or threw away the Tamagotchi itself. I recently got a v4 (this past Saturday, in fact).
  4. S


    What is this trunk that you speak of?
  5. S

    Need help with something.

    I got mine at Wal-Mart for about $15.
  6. S


    Thank you :furawatchi:
  7. S


    Yeah, I lost them. Well, actually, I just bought a ver. 4 last night and accidentally threw away the instructions. Wouldn't be a big deal if I hadn't taken the trash out to the dumpster already, and I really don't want to go dumpster-diving. So, I was wondering if there was an online version...