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  1. T

    I have a crush...

    its probally just a phase but thats not very normal.... maybe you should give up playing with tamagotchis for a fortnight or so
  2. T

    why wont it work!

    i didnt enter the codes i type in a 3 times and it wont let me shock him i will try deleting some stuff though
  3. T

    why wont it work!

    i hav a tama v4 and i hav entered two secret codes into the shop but when i click a 3 times again it doesnt work my tama also wont let me connect on present bcoz it sez my list is full but i hav only got 1 friend is mine broken or something what should i do?
  4. T

    What do you think of this story so far?

    thats really good but i hav nvr heard of anything called nutoro