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  1. complete_tama_fanatic

    Furbies scare me...

    I've never had a problem with Furby. And even though in my opinion they're a bit underwhelming compared to something like Tamagotchi, I still have a soft spot for them... Call me crazy if you want, but I even have a couple of them sitting next to my bed. Also once I purchased a lot of broken...
  2. complete_tama_fanatic

    P1? Continuously restarts

    You may also want to clean the battery prongs with a little rubbing alcohol on a q-tip. @CTF@
  3. complete_tama_fanatic


    And it's too bad, too, that the ones that are flooding the market at the moment are so awful. It's so tedious to buy the real deal and makes it hard for anyone who wants to seriously get back into the hobby. It would have been so much nicer if they were at least as good as Gyaoppi, Tamagezi, or...
  4. complete_tama_fanatic

    Things you do with your tamagotchis

    At this point I have so many Tamagotchi that it'd be silly for me to carry them all around at once. I don't think anyone makes lanyards meant to carry over fifty virtual pets... :P I like to keep my Tamagotchi in a couple of boxes (one for older ones, one for newer ones). The ones I do run...
  5. complete_tama_fanatic

    Which Mini Shell Did You Get?

    I got the pink one with blue numbers/trim/buttons as well! If I ever did get another one, it'd definitely be the transparent blue one! The blue clock face design is pretty much identical to the pink clock design we have. But, instead of having a pink shell with blue numbers, trim, and buttons...
  6. complete_tama_fanatic

    What do you want a new tamagotchi to be like?

    I'd strive for simplicity. Go back to basic, gender neutral shell designs. I'm tired of the exclusively frilly-girly-pinky-doily thing they've been doing lately. Return to pocket-sized devices. "But I want my Tamagotchi to be as big and round as a softball," said no one. More classic styled...
  7. complete_tama_fanatic

    Is this normal?

    No, it isn't normal, but it looks cool! ^_^ How long did Vince stay like that, or does he still look like that? What were you doing with him before/when he changed into it? @CTF@
  8. complete_tama_fanatic

    Tamagotchi Friends faded pixels.

    It could very well be something wrong within the Tamagotchi, but I'm not certain what it could be specifically. Considering that there's something wrong with the screen, it could be something as simple as a bad connection to the screen to something as catastrophic as a capacitor bursting and...
  9. complete_tama_fanatic

    Lost My Tamagotchi On The Bus...

    That's too bad. I hope that you're able to find it, if you haven't already. @CTF@
  10. complete_tama_fanatic

    Tamagotchi Death Song

    We're ready to believe you! :D For those of you who heard the tune before, could you please try to describe it? In example: Was it fast or slow? Was it high-pitched, low-pitched, or average-pitched? Did it sound similar to another song that you've heard? Could you fit it into a certain...
  11. complete_tama_fanatic

    Soxie, Fare Thee Well

    I had purchased a V4 off of eBay, and unsurprisingly it had a dead Tamagotchi when I selected "Download" instead of "Reset". I figured that since either the previous owner probably didn't care enough to memorialize it, or they just didn't consider it, I'd do it myself. Soxie was two years old...
  12. complete_tama_fanatic

    Getting same characters on V3?

    The V3 (and V2) base a lot of their evolution on randomness. You can click here to see a very nice growth chart by Osumesu21 from Tama-Zone. As you can see, you're probably just as likely to get Mizutamatchi as you are to get Tamatchi; the same goes for Kuchitamatchi and Mohitamatchi with...
  13. complete_tama_fanatic

    Ridiculous Ways to Carry Tamas

    Oddly enough, I don't think I've ever seen anyone have a Tamagotchi attached to a backpack before. That would probably catch me off guard, if only a little bit. There are also some vpets that are made to be worn like a watch, and have straps tat can easily be replaced with ones made for...
  14. complete_tama_fanatic

    Buy New or Buy Used?

    I like to get used pets, not only because NIP ones are overpriced (and UFF DA are they overpriced!), but I also have some experience with opening up the buggers to completely clean them out, reflow their solder, and get them going good as new. I always feel happy knowing that I've saved it from...
  15. complete_tama_fanatic


    My opinion is pretty much exactly the same as yours. The hatching prat looks pretty cool, but after that it just seems like a watered-down Furby. Besides, with Furby you know exactly which one you're getting (albeit with less variation), and with Hatchimals it's too much of a risk, especially...
  16. complete_tama_fanatic

    TF is it fun?

    It's basically an enhanced version of the TamaTown/Tama-Go base device minus the Gotchi Figures. I feel that it's much better than the last English Tamagotchi we had, but still lackluster. The gameplay is about as deep as the V2 or V3, but with a niche girly theme and less characters (where...
  17. complete_tama_fanatic

    Different startup animations between two Dinkie Dinos

    I recently acquired two Dinky Dinos, and they're great! However at their startup I noticed that one begins by appearing from a puff of smoke, and the other hatches from an egg. Aside from that they run pretty much exactly the same. Does this mean that one's fake, or are they just different...
  18. complete_tama_fanatic

    P1/P2 secret characters

    That's why they're secret! ;) I did get Bill on a P1 a while back, though if I remember correctly I don't think it was from absolutely perfect care. Due to limited programming I think that it looks for certain flags or conditions (like how Ningyotchi on the Oceangotchi evolves at a specific...
  19. complete_tama_fanatic

    Tamagotchi 4U+

    I love the look of the orange one too... But like everyone else is saying, it's too bad that they're out at the moment. :( I think that I'll wait 'til the buying hype dies down a bit and the prices lower. @CTF@
  20. complete_tama_fanatic

    Change name on a V2? (+ more)

    Do NOT use fingernail polish remover to remove Tamagotchi paint. It'll "melt" your Tamagotchi's shell. I've heard that scrubbing it well with tooth polish works great though. I've done it and it works, though I'd reccommend being careful about it since it can get stuck in the sides of the...