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  1. S

    About PM's

    Ugh, I hate those. Especially friend requests. You can't just pull friendship out of thin air. You have to talk and stuff. I just delete 'em.
  2. S

    Peanut Butter and Jelly

    Locky458 - Will you please stop posting a million times in every single topic? You're basicly saying the same thing in each post, and you can always use the edit button. Seriously. >___>
  3. S

    how do i?

    Just go into Paint, click the button with an 'A' on it, and type the text you want out. It's pretty easy. xD
  4. S

    Ok Weird topic RANDOMNESS

    Locky458 - Will you please stop posting a million times in every single topic? You're basicly saying the same thing in each post, and you can always use the edit button. >___>
  5. S

    Rate Avril Lavigne's new song Girlfriend!

    Erm, It's alright. It gets annoying after a while though. xD Has anyone heard it in the 7 other languages it was recorded in? Hahah, I like the Mandarin version.
  6. S

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    9/10. I don't think it needs anything to make it better. :B
  7. S

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    4/10. Bleh - It's okay, just not really my style.