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  1. Z


    I agree. That's what I do. I don't want my tamas to die, so I just turn off the sound and when there's a break or when the teacher's out, I do a quick check and feed them. :lol:
  2. Z

    Generate V4 and V3

    Hey this is amazing. You've got some serious talent in this. You're gonna land a great job one day, if not already hahaha.
  3. Z

    V3 Souvenir 32 has finally been discovered!

    tamagirl14, THANK YOU! IT WORKS! I don't know how you ever found out how to do that, but thanks so much. I've always wondered where 32 was. =D :lol: :D :)
  4. Z

    sudden death

    School can seriously be a nuisance when it comes to Tamagotchis. I usually check up on mine during break or right before my class will start. If you put it on silent, then the beeps won't be heard. It's very difficult though. I understand. =(
  5. Z

    sudden death

    That's happened to me once, too. I was so angry because I had like every souvenir and loads of items...And it was a really high generation too. *sigh* But yeah, like that one person said, it probably got sick and died from that. =(
  6. Z

    Does the cuckoo clock DO anything?

    You know, I got the clock too and I was getting irritated because I would have it on the screen and after 15 minutes or so, it would just disappear. But then I realized that if you put it on you screen at, say, 2:59pm, then at 3pm, it will go off and it's really, really adorable. But make sure...
  7. Z

    Help! Tamagotchi can't have kids?!

    That's so weird. I just restarted it, because I've had the mm tamagotchi for so long now and I wanted a new one lol. It's just weird that I missed the matchmaker though! That's the first time that's ever happened for me. =/ Does the matchmaker ALWAYS come for EVERY tamagotchi? Or can she never...
  8. Z

    Help! Tamagotchi can't have kids?!

    So the matchmaker will come no matter what and if you miss her, then she'll never come again? I guess I'll have to reset it. =/ That sucks lol. Thanks for the help.
  9. Z

    Help! Tamagotchi can't have kids?!

    I'm new to this forum...I need some serious help!! I have a V4 tamagotchi and it's over 3 weeks old now. The age just stopped at 25. The matchmaker won't appear, so she can't have a baby. Why is this?! I really want a new tamagotchi to take care's been the same one since I bought the V4...