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  1. S


    awwwws well u always learn frm ur mistakes =] ^^
  2. S

    Enter how many neopoints you have!

    i've got about 150,000 np at the moment =] ;) :nyatchi: :(
  3. S

    V4.5 for sale!

    hey i live in australia sydney and i saw the wal-mart website and $14? can u convert that 2 australian ammount plz? anyways, great find =]
  4. S

    20000 GP as for insurance

    hmmm....thats interesting, i'll try that now and see if it works...but do we have 2 wait till our tama dies or just reset it? i'm lost.. xoxo selina
  5. S

    special shop stuff!

    nope not true when i got the shovel before i reads this topic i recieved a snake from the ground. other times i got about 500 gp, a cake and a gift (cap) so only sometimes u get gp
  6. S

    v4.5 in australia yet

    hello everyone wondering if tamagotchi v4.5 will be coming out in autsralia anytime soon? i checked TRU about 2 days ago and they said they dont know yet please reply xoxoxo selina