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  1. U

    Ura Pet! Fake Uratama and Tamagotchi Plus!

    That's just plain stupid. :( tamapkgirl77 and taurenking176 are right,it doesn't look like a genuine V4/Uratama at all. :(
  2. U


    Viper :furawatchi:
  3. U


    Woodcock :)
  4. U

    How famous are you on forums?

    1/10 I just joined...!!! how could I know you? ;) :) LOL xD :angry:
  5. U


    I'm not a love expert,but my best advice is that... First,you can strike a conversation with her one time. Don't be 'attacking', just ask her about something common. You can ask her favourite hobbies or something like that, and what does she like to talk about. When you've asked her opinions...
  6. U

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    Thanks. I drew it. Oh,and you,lynn chan, 7/10
  7. U

    How tall r u?

    I'm pretty average for my age, 1 metre and 50 centimeters. ;)
  8. U

    favorite ice cream

    I couldn't decide! My favourite flavours are coconut,mint-chocolate,lemon,fudge,mango-melon,and chocolate-banana! I just ;) ice cream! Don't you? B) :P
  9. U

    This is true love...

    Chapter 1 It was a morning in spring. The birds had just returned from their migration. Flowers started pushing themselves through the last pieces of snow. In a little home,a Makiko was singing to her child. She had been pregnant,and now,she had given birth to a baby girl,whom she named Carly...
  10. U

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    9/10 I really like orange and cats,so yes. 9/10
  11. U

    Pretty or Ugly?

    Well,my parents tell me that I'm pretty,two boys from my German class said that I'm pretty,but sometimes I think that I'm so ugly. It depends. :D Remember,if someone says that you're pretty/ugly,he/she doesn't always mean that. The most important thing is that you think you're pretty. You...
  12. U

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    Errh...not to be rude but... 4/10
  13. U

    Hi ^^

    Welcome to TamaTalk! I'm new here too. Hope you have fun here! I bet this is almost the nicest forum I've been to! :) ;) :blink:
  14. U

    Hi everyone,I'm new on here... ^_^

    ...and I think that this is a very nice forum! When I was young,I really liked Tamagotchis,and I had my own V2. I was always searching for updates,and other nice stuff. I wanted more information about the Tamagotchi V2 characters,and saw TamaTalk. I thought that this is a very...