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  1. F

    Name Glitches - the evilest things

    roo to poo iz really funny lol hahaha mine changed from secci so sexi not kidin
  2. F


    it didnt die of old age u probz forgot bout it tamagotchi can live to up to 99 years old but its so hard maybe next time pause it it will take longer to age buts its the best way to keep ur tama alive
  3. F

    connection fail

    the good news is it is not amager glitch adn the bad news is ur tama i think is fake maybe u should take it baqk to the shop or restart it hope i helped happy tamaing
  4. F

    woooooooow 2 glitches in one im confuzed

    ok dudez i have the name and the ball glitch on my v4 tama but there different ball glitches now this very embarrasin to say but i named my tamagotchi secci and it changed to sexi with it eva chenge bak my paretns will kill me if they see it. and with my bal glitch well wen i go to the shop...
  5. F

    woooooooooow that weird

    thanks for ur help but i tok the batteryz out of the bak and then it waz still workin but i think i no wot happened wen i debuged my tama i pussed have done sumthin rong and bumber na extra water and soz but i cant take my tama bak now cozzi itz bout a yera or 2 old and i dont have the recipt...
  6. F

    woooooooooow that weird

    :) ok well i had a perfectly fine tamagotchi and one day i put it on pause and it kep goig and moving wen it said pause then i took it off pause and it froze so i tryed restarting it it kep going so i took the batteryz out and IT WAZ STILL WORKING HELP IT KEEPS BEEPING IN THE NITE I NEED A...