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  1. T


    Correction, a certain "organization" (only by definition) does not like "Scientology". Huge difference. They're a humanist organization, so they really don't hate people. They just hate practice. With that being said, I'm going to probably be lynched. Yeah, yeah, I believe in God yada yada.
  2. T

    Where did we come from...?

    By the way, whatever moderator is watching over this thread: I don't appreciate you editing my first post without telling me prior to doing so.
  3. T

    Where did we come from...?

    This is when I say "*gasp* Who are you?!" XD And as for the "He exists outside of our universe" statemen, it's more like he's in our universe, just beyond the spectrum of our theoretical dimensions. (Seeing how everything within the universe, other than the universe itself is all explained by...
  4. T

    what do guys like?

    Not really intimately rigid. I work very well with intimacy, just physical intimacy, the big no, no. Don't take it so far as to sayng I haven't dated, because I have.
  5. T

    what do guys like?

    Does that make me idealistic, or foolish?
  6. T


    I'm gonna be dead honest when I say I went through the same thing. I left my old church back when I was 12, and haven't found a home since. No, it's not depression as much as it is confusion, but do not allow this confusion to overtake your daily walk.
  7. T

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    XD Dry...? Naw, just... different.
  8. T

    Where did we come from...?

    The world hadn't known rain, no.
  9. T

    Dance Dance Revolution

    You can... They're costly.
  10. T

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    Black Jeans, white socks, T-shirt, glasses, undies, class ring. Happy?
  11. T


    Nothing. We do nothing, we sit around the house and talk. I don't get presents. I don't look at the tree or railroad... Just another day.
  12. T

    what do guys like?

    I'm one of the special case guys, though. I mean, I've mapped it out and everything.
  13. T

    Where did we come from...?

    Random condensation unexplained? I believe there might be a way. Since it's mainly theists in this thread now- I shall explain my ideas on the Great Flood with borrowed ideas from Dr. Wise. (A professor who taught me of many theories) The Flood- According to the literal text in the Pentateuch...
  14. T

    Where did we come from...?

    John 3:16 specifies, "Whosoever believeth on Him shall not parish, but have everlasting life" It's been confirmed, Him is Jesus, not just God. Have to have both.
  15. T

    Where did we come from...?

    Heaven and Hell are relative terms. I'm going by Revelations.
  16. T

    School? Your feelings about it

    Like I said, school is socialist. XD Although, I do have a few friends, few of which are permanent.
  17. T

    Do u wear make-up?

    Eww, it's not true. If you have natural beauty, then there's no reason to enhance it. It's taking the Mona Lisa and making it modern. Taking what the artist (nature/genetics/whatever else you put in here) put and changing it. *shudder*
  18. T

    Where did we come from...?

    That doesn't answer my question. I'm saying in the physical, what could've cause the world to be covered in a mass of water?
  19. T

    Where did we come from...?

    I shall aide you in correction, just a smidge. Mostly spelling errors. I bolded what needed correction.
  20. T

    Do u wear make-up?

    It did come off as a little quert (sp?), but I understand what you mean. I do have a major issue with the superficial deal. I mean, I do need to take care of myself more, but I mean with the little I do, people tend to look at me for my kind heart. Nothing makes me filled with hatred more than...