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  1. D


    nice. pretty cool. i just told my lil bro
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    im not sure but i think 330 is for the matchmaker.
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    Does anyone know?

    Do you know what happens when your spirituality on v4.5 is highest as a girl young uramemetchi, what does it become? :lol: :angry: :angry:
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    geting a job

    willn91, you do know you can pick a teacher right? i have a teacher thats an art easel! his name is Mr. Canvas. :lol:
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    Can anyone tell me what happens with the King?

    thanks guys! i appreciate it. :lol:
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    Can anyone tell me what happens with the King?

    Does anyone know what happens when you donate and it says visit tamatown, what happens when you visit? :D :D :D
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    Possible way to speed up growth?

    i dont really think theres a way to give it a growth spurt but i do know if you dont pause it it takes less time to grow! but if you connect alot and play "GAME", depending on your training and weight, youll win! :D
  8. D

    3 main tamas. Which?

    the originial Mametchi rocks! :D :D :D
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    yea, i gotta say, that isnt bad one bit. i actually think its cool! :D :D
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    Guys, can i get help please?

    oh cool thanks! i wanted to know that! :D :D :D :D :D
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    What do you think is the best way to raisetraining

    whoa. i didnt know about the praising good gift, or v1 ways of it! cool! :D
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    Which type?

    :D yea, young ones are pretty cool too! i have a young uramemetchi right now.
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    Helpful Hints to keep your tama yours

    same here. they unfairly banned them in the middle of fourth grade, and everyone was having fun with them. good tips, but nothing you said is like my school. we dont pick a seat every time, no lockers, and we dont worry over staying outside the hall and running to class because we keep books in...
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    Which type?

    the uras are cool. :)
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    Guys, can i get help please?

    Hey, do you know if you could tell me the name of that teen for v 4.5 that looks like a party noise making thingy? :) :D :D
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    What do you think is the best way to raisetraining

    my fav is when they give a bad gift.
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    kool. my tama is doin pretty well. Her name is Lea, she is a teen, a Young Uramemetchi, and her training and weight help me beat my bro at connection games :D
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    Need help caring for your tama?

    Want a healthy tama? Prevent the following: obese weight not enough excersise( gained in games) being fed snacks to raise happy hearts To prevent a high weight, play games instead of feeding it snacks because when you beat a game, all happy hearts will raise to full. Playing games will burn...
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    Are tamagotchis...

    Are you kidding me? I am a boy and I think they are pretty cool! :o
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    Anyone play flyff or ClubPenguin

    i love club penguin! its so fun! im a bout 3hundred somethin days old.