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  1. U

    How do you get violetchi/leoftchi from y. mametchi

    :huh: :D How do you get violetchi/leoftchi from young mametchi on the Connexion V3? :huh: :huh: Pls tell me what kind of care you need to take!
  2. U

    my ura mametchi log

    Well i never fail! ;) Yep,i got ura mametchi!!! B) I will update you on what job he gets!
  3. U

    my ura mametchi log

    well ok here we go,I am gonna start from this day when my tama is a crackertchi,he is supposed to grow this day and I have full confindence that he will become an ura mametchi,fingers crossed!I will post wether he became a ura mametchi or not!oh and one last thing his name is olly! :huh:
  4. U

    Is she gonna die...

    Yep thats right
  5. U

    is there really gonna be a V5 touchscreen tama?

    some people say that there is gonna be a V5 touchscreen tama? Is it true? :D
  6. U

    What do you do with your tamagotchi?

    well I just leave it on pause until I'm bothered to play with it
  7. U

    my tama won't beep!

    Did you turn the sound off?
  8. U

    The mystery of tosakatchi!

    Are those really fingers on his head?
  9. U

    Getting Started!

    Great Idea! :)
  10. U

    V4.5 Favourite food charts

    Well what does it look like?I can help if you tell me that! :)
  11. U

    V4.5 Favourite food charts

    Ojitchi and Oyajitchi dislike muffin(so basically all the old folks dislike muffins :) )Hope i helped! ;)