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  1. A

    I dont get the whole job thing for v4.5

    I don't know exactly, but I think it is four years old and above? So your letter should probably arrive when your tamagotchi is one year older.
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    I dont get the whole job thing for v4.5

    Ok, first of all, skill points. They determine what your tamagotchi grows into and what job your tamagotchi will get in adult stage. Skill points are earned by playing games. Secondly, jobs. When your tamagotchi is an adult, it will receive a [!] letter, inviting it to get a job. Depending on...
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    Who do you think...

    My favourite tamagotchi has got to be Ura Zukyutchi from V4.5! She's cute and very lovable and I have managed to get her three times on my V4.5. It's interesting hearing what characters people like best. ^_^
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    Pokemon mystery dungeon Blue

    I own that game and I think it is brilliant. I love the idea of playing as pokémon starring in a mystery adventure story. I have finished the whole game, playing as Torchic and my partner as Mudkip. I really reccomend Mystery Dungeon Blue, as it is a unique and interesting game.
  5. A

    Addiction much?

    Not really. I don't take tamagotchis too seriously, even though I'm a big fan of them. I play with my tamas regularly, but make sure I pay attention to other things in my life. ^_^
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    Yes, it is possible to pause a V5 tamagotchi. Go onto the television icon and watch the travel show. Press B, (the middle button) when the arrow is pointing to Go! and your tamagotchi family will go on holiday and it will be exactly the same as pausing. These are scans of the Tamagotchi...
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    V4 Growth Chart > Complete V4 Character Chart >
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    Cartoon character crushes!

    Having a crush on a cartoon character is normal. As other people have posted in this thread, characters have emotions and feelings and personalities, like real people. However, as long as you don't get carried away and start becoming upset because she/he is not real, having a crush is perfectly...
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    Hey, everybody!

    I'm a new member to TamaTalk. I'm so happy to have joined, as TamaTalk looks like a fantastic forum and full of useful tamagotchi information. I can't wait to make some new friends and learn more on tamagotchi. Feel free to PM me sometime, as I love to chat.