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  1. N

    group hatching poll

    Not done one (smacks self.)
  2. N


    same thing happened to me! my tamagotchi V.5 had a baby and my kuchipatchi (v3) was the same age, so I putt it at the same time. didn't really work out. kinda confuseing :D :lol:
  3. N

    My tamas Arn't Hungry O_O

    This might not really that help full, but :D baby to toddler hour or so toddler to teen a day or so teen to adult 3 days adult to parent?? (P.s what I gave you was V 4.5! :lol: )
  4. N

    V3: Useful Topics Index

    cool!! :lol: easy too!
  5. N

    Who`s your favorite tama character

    masketchi girl
  6. N


    Love it! I wont be able to join though! :lol: I just join this web site!
  7. N

    Tamagotchi V5/familitchi Hatching!

    My B-day is only afew weeks after yours,mamelov! :) I dont have a tama gotchi that needs hatching. but i have a kuchipach(with a baby ), a masketchi (with a baby ) , and one I dont know the name of. It has its hands above its head and horns. Its also a teenager. good luck! :lol:
  8. N

    v5 Geoup hatching!

    :) :lol: Hi every one!! no tama v5 yet, i might get one in a few weeks though.
  9. N

    Tamagotchi V5/familitchi Hatching!

    So SORRY!I have no tamas that are about to die! javascript:emoticon(' :lol: ') smilie (not that I want to!)javascript:emoticon(' :) ') smilie