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  1. T

    Who dislikes the v4-v5 tamas?

    :D no offense but i like v.4-v.5 i like the job thing anthough but i also like the family i wish they could put them togather oh and i disagree
  2. T

    how do i marry

    :huh: i don't know where to go and how do you marry?
  3. T


    ;) :huh: :huh: :huh: ;) what i keep on killing mine bye accident and don't know how to marry.
  4. T

    more died

    :angry: Tamagotchi's Name: the becca family Tamagotchi's Age: children Date of Birth: March 1 Date of Passing: March 4 What Generation? don't know Your Comments: i have killed probley 11 sad very sad i'm offended :angry:
  5. T

    tamagotchi died

    Tamagotchi's Name: colin family so sad Tamagotchi's Age: Teen agers Date of Birth: feb 20 to Date of Passing: feb 29 (not that long) What Generation? i don't know. Your Comments: i left them at my grandma's house and tired to tell her how to play it but she didn't understand so it died. :D