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  1. X

    ♪My Music Star Log♪

    Mail None again... *sigh* Loggy Time Okay so Jasper and Madeline left Maddie 2 days ago, I had forgotten to log about it since my friend slept over yesterday anyway. She is now a chamametchi and before that she was a tamatchi. First time I ever got that one so she had a band with Louis who...
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    ♪My Music Star Log♪

    Mail None today either! :lol: Loggy Time Nothing really intersting today the family is still there Madeline, Jasper, and the baby girl who I am naming Maddie. But yesterday I forgot to mention that Jasper got an award for 1st place in Jazz Music. Also today I was at applebees with my mom...
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    ♪My Music Star Log♪

    Mail None today... :o Loggy Time The best thing happened to me today in 8th period at school! The band manager who I have named Gee came with a mate for Jasper! So it was so unexspected I suppressed the need to dance around the Ecology & Our World room and my bestie Ryan was looking at...
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    ♪My Music Star Log♪

    Mail Jasper- Thanks papakizatchiX Loggy Time Big News! Big News! Big News!! Jasper change into a drum roll please...Kuchipatchi!! Not the best but hey he's not ugly he's extremely adorable. I can't wait for the band manager to come so he can get married and have a little bundle of joy...
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    ♪My Music Star Log♪

    Mail Loggy Time Okay, so after I added my post to my log the music teacher came to see Jasper and he gave him a saxophone. Then I went to the door icon and pressed away he appeared infront of the music school and an ichigotchi named Lydia and a kikitchi (did I spell that right?) named John was...
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    ♪My Music Star Log♪

    Hey this is about the rising star design music star tamagotchi I recieved yesterday : ) now loggy time. Mail None yet :D Loggy Time Yesterday my mom and I were running around everywhere to find a music star I have currently had 2 one was actually a rising star design which...broke same...
  7. X

    Buying a tamagotchi makes you Happier?

    I always get super happy, espically when I order them and they come in the mail once I got so happy I kinda fell down and my friend laughed at me. I usually bounce on my toes and smile alot.
  8. X


    Hey again, nothing really interesting happened with the Irawr family today I trained them and they now have 0% what a change...Riff Raff is still being rude to me, I don't know why all I do is feed him and play games then he's all bla bla bla I better get married bla bla bla. But I don't thinkk...
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    Hiya, I'm EvilKitten and I'm loggin about my v5 refresh which I have decided to name Irawr my friend and I are kind of obsessed with the word rawr. So I went to Walmart today and got a battery I decided to put it in my v5 and dadadada!! I got the Irawr family which has one girl and two boys the...
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    Celeb Chibi Family

    Yay 25 views! OMG guess what the last time I updated I had had my teens for about 2 days then today I went to go get it from my moms room. Then they were adults I was so happy I practically screamed luckily my mom is at Target so nobody heard me but I got such cute characters. Also while they...
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    Celeb Chibi Family

    Yesterday at 7pm my tamagotchis changed! They are extremely adorable Petunia is an ichigotchi. Alex is kikitchi he is also being nicer now since he got a good character. Tulip is now a shelltchi I'm glad I got good characters which is probably because I have high bonding. Now they want to talk...
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    Celeb Chibi Family

    Wow 21 views thats really good. August 12th I went to work with my mom she works at home depot also I burned myself on a frying pan yesterday making grilled cheese and made alot of money. My mom works back in the recieving dock so there is a computer. I figured out how to use tamatown and...
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    hypno docter

    Dr.Swrel smirked and tjrned around. "Ahh I'm sorry you poor little thing it appears you have to smack yourself with a hammer on your pinky toe to relieve your stress."
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    Celeb Chibi Family

    Hiya, I know I have another log and I stopped it because I had lost my v5 but my v5 refresh came in the mail yesterday and I am so happy. I'll start off when I first found the box. Yesterday me and my friend Adrian were coming home from the mall and I decided to go check if my tamagotchi was...
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    hypno docter

    He had told everyone what she had done, but people just laughed at him not believing a word.
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    hypno docter

    "I thought you were gonna help me stop smoking?"
  17. X

    My v5 Family

    Okay, I started up my Love My Family and Cookie Dough tama yesterday so I will write everything that happened yesterday today. Yesterday I, found batteries for my tamas at CVS (woo-hoo) so I got to my moms job at around 2 o'clock, so I sped up the time so the cookie dough one changes at 9am...
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    hypno docter

    she told a patient to eat a hamster (i dont know where that came from lol)
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    Where Did You Get Your Refresh V5?

    My mom ordered mine for me on August 6th from amazon
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    hypno docter

    People said she was crazy but she just loved her work